Passive Multiple - 0hp - 3 Lead - Small 1:2 signal multiplier for Eurorack systems and more
Passive Multiple - 0hp - 3 Lead - Small 1:2 signal multiplier for Eurorack systems and more
Every decent modular or semi-modular system needs mults - I get it. But not every mult needs to be buffered (in fact I would argue that only those handling pitch strictly have to be) and you're faced with the wonderful choice of buying more mults that take up precious space, or finding cumbersome, expensive solutions like those weird star-shaped things that always seem to take up way too much space and never fit anywhere, or stackcables, which cost more than a night out at a decent restaurant for inexplicable reasons.
Did you know that on average, 1 HP of Eurorack space costs you €3? So for the sake of argument, you're paying €6 for the privilege of installing a 2 HP multiple, which in all likelihood will cost you even more and not be a wonderful, bright color? Not to mention taking up precious space that could be inhabited by something else?
This mult takes one signal in and copies it twice - that's twice the signal for half the price!
Save yourself the rack space, and never worry about mults again, thanks to your friends at Herzlich. I guarantee you won't regret it!